Handwarmer is reusable and it is a perfect companion on the cold evening walks with your dog, or when you are at the side line supporting your kids on the chill Saturday morning.
How to use a handwarmer?
Before use, please read the instructions, how to use handwarmer:
1. To activate it, bend the metal plate located inside the handwarmer.
2. After activation, the contents of the heater will change to a crystalline state. Your handwarmer is ready to use.
3. To reuse: Boil water in a pot. Place the hand warmer in the pot and boil for approx. 5 minutes until the crystals are completely dissolved.
4. Let it cool down a little bit and put Pure Oskar case on the insert and use.
Operating instructions:
•Operating time is approximately 30 minutes.
•Use only with the included case.
•The heater is not a toy.
•Do not puncture or damage it.
•In case of leakage, do not use.
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